A podcast

about the changing landscape of criminal justice reform from those most directly impacted. Our discussions range from analysis of the political landscape (local, state and federal), engaging in the promise of abolitionist praxis and of course, elevating the voices of formerly incarcerated people. 


Bruce Reilly

Our host Bruce Reilly is Deputy Director of both VOTE and Voters Organized to Educate. He is a writer, and founding member of the Formerly Incarcerated, Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM). Bruce provides expert analysis on discrimination in employment, housing, and voting rights.

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Norris Henderson

Our co-host Norris is the Executive Director of both VOTE and Voters Organized to Educate. Norris is a former OSI Soros Justice Fellow, and has had tremendous success impacting public policy and discourse about reentry, police accountability, public defense for poor and indigent people, and reforming the notorious Orleans Parish Prison (OPP), also known as the Orleans Justice Center (OJC).

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